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Summary (iSIM 2024)

Date: May 4-5, 2024
Location: Brazilian Center for Physics Research (CBPF), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The 2024 International Symposium on Integrated Magnetics (iSIM 2024) took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on May 4-5, 2024. Held as a satellite symposium to the prestigious IEEE International Magnetics Conference, INTERMAG 2024, iSIM 2024 proved to be an exceptional platform for researchers and industry experts to explore the latest breakthroughs in the emerging field of integrated magnetics. The symposium served as a collaborative space for exchanging knowledge, fostering new collaborations, and discussing emerging trends in integrated magnetics.

The iSIM 2024 hosted 32 attendees from Asia Pacific, European Union, and Americas The distribution of participants over countries is shown in the cart below. There were 22 presenters, including 15 invited speakers. Eight slots were given to young researchers to present their results.

The iSIM 2024 had 4 sessions spanning over 2 full days, covering each of the major topics on Integrated Magnetics including

  1. Sensing (magnetoelectric sensors, magnetoresistive sensors, flexible magnetoelectronics)
  2. Disruptive technologies (quantum sensing, e.g., magnetometry and scanning microscopy, neuromorphic computing, reservoir computing)
  3. Integrated circuits (power supply on chip, power supply in package, communication circuits, materials for integrated magnetics).

Furthermore, we deliberately decided to include in the program of the iSIM 2024 the topic of eco-sustainable magnetoelectronics with the focus on the realisation of self-healable magnetic field sensors and sensors, which can be disposed without polluting the environment (biodegradable and
biocompatible). We are convinced that the topic of sustainability in magnetoelectronics should be in priority of the prospective sensor development. The iSIM events can be a good platform to advocate for these developments.

We are very happy that we managed to acquire financial contributions from several companies including Qnami (Switzerland), evico magnetics (Germany), Ningbo Renhe Technology (China). These budget from industry supporters was used in addition to the budget provided via the IEEE MagSoc. We are very
thankful to our supporters. We had a special session dedicated to the iSIM 2024 supporters to acknowledge their contribution to the success of the event.

The iSIM 2024 concluded with a closing Award Ceremony, where outstanding contributions to the field were recognized. In 2024, our strategy was to support as much as possible young researchers. Therefore, we decided to award iSIM young investigator award, selected best young scientist presentation award
and supported 2x PhD students with travel grants. The iSIM Distinction Award was given as well and is financed from the industrial sponsorship.

The iSIM 2024 Awardees are listed below:
iSIM Distinction Award
Prof. Susana Cardoso de Freitas: INESC, Undeversidade de Lisboa, Portugal
iSIM Young Investigator Award
Dr. Huali Yang: Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, China
Best Young Scientist Presentation
Mr. Jose Luis Marqués-Fernández: University of Oviedo. Gijón Spain
Student travel grants
Mr. Jose Luis Marqués-Fernández, University of Oviedo. Gijón Spain
Mrs. Elizaveta Spetzler, Kiel University, Germany

Last but not least we would like to express our sincere gratitude to the members of the local organisation committee and especially to Prof. Luiz Sampaio and Rubem Sommer (CBPF, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Without their strong dedication and organizational efforts, the iSIM 2024 would not be possible. We received very positive feedback from the iSIM 2024 participants. As the organizing team of the iSIM we are very much motivated to keep this platform in future as a fruitful platform to disseminate results on integrated magnetics.